Saturday, July 9, 2011

Prayer Time

I've had a prayer list for my devotion time before, but never kept with them very well. At times it seems that there are so many people and things to pray for, you almost have to have them written down to remember them all, so I'm trying something new.

What I did was, for every day of the week I have note card, then on each note card I wrote things to pray for especially on that day. For example: today I am praying especially for our country, our leaders, my brother-in-law who is deployed, and others serving in the military.As there are answers to prayer I can easily write them on my cards, and make new prayer cards.
I just started trying this, so we'll see how it goes!


  1. Great idea! For our family prayer time we use a similar system - we write requests on cards and pass them out each prayer time. Then when the prayer is answered we praise God for it and make new cards! :-)

    I just found your blog today and I'm liking it!


  2. Thanks! Hope you will continue to find it interesting! :)
