Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Silent No Longer

A world of people around me,
yet no one to hear my hurting cries.
  I open my mouth to speak,
but the pain goes unheard.

Afraid to speak without gaining your trust,
 I hold the hurt in - which grows stronger each day.
I want to share with you my story,
But never stopping to show me that you care -
  you walk right on by.

Too focused on your own life,
you have become blind to the hurt at your side.

Broken and disgraced,

  my innocence robbed of me.
Left hurting in silence-
  but learn to go on I must.

The pain yet remains.
But broken and bleeding for me, my Savior;
  through Him who bore my shame
I now am made free.

Free of the disgrace,
That robbed me of my innocence;
I find healing and strength to forgive
through Christ my Savior.

I will be silent no longer.
  I must speak - though painful it will be.
Others are suffering in silence.
  I must be their voice
when they are yet afraid to speak.