Sometimes you may think you have everything lined up for what you want to do for college, what classes you will take, and what kind of job you hope to have. Then sometimes God likes to come in a change our plans up!
Seeing that I was having a lot of challenges getting into my classes, my parent's reminded me that sometimes God brings roadblocks along for a reason. So, last night I sat down and discussed with them whether they thought it would be best for me to stay in the classes or just drop them. After discussing many aspects of my college education, I headed for bed, pretty much planning to drop both the classes, but still not quite sure. As I was getting ready for bed, God brought to my mind what I had read in my Bible reading from Amos chapter 3 that very morning. In summary, God was trying to get the attention of His people, but they didn't seem to be listening. For awhile I was just in awe, seeing how God was speaking to me! I felt like He was just giving me a conformation, that at least for this semester, I should not take those classes. I don't really know for sure why, and may never know, but I do know that He has a reason!
One other little part to the story; in this morning's Bible reading (Amos,4) I noticed that for times it reminds us to seek the Lord, and three of them add on the thought, "That you may live". God is good! He knows just how to give us the food we need at just the right times! I don't know where all God will lead me or how much this decision will change things up for me, but I know one thing! I'll be seeking the Lord!